Fatima Juarez

Fatima Juarez emerged from a challenging past as a former foster youth, Mexican immigrant, and single mother of two. Born in the face of adversity, Fatima’s journey has been marked by an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those facing similar struggles. Growing up amidst various forms of abuse, Fatima found herself in foster care during her high school years. Undeterred by the obstacles in her path, she turned her adversities into opportunities, embarking on a journey that would redefine her life. Despite facing the challenges of being a former foster youth, she pursued higher education, driven by a passion to work with the foster youth community, teen parents, and immigrants. Alongside the academic demands, she became a mother of two, experiencing homelessness and domestic violence. In the face of these trials, she remained an active advocate for foster youth. Her commitment manifested through work in domestic violence shelters, after-school programs, and as a foster youth advocate for the Department of Education in the Orange County School District. Despite the challenges, she successfully obtained her bachelor's degree. Today, she resides in Fullerton with her two children, and is currently employed at LeSar Support Services. Her work focuses on delivering innovative solutions that improve programs, processes, and outcomes for public and private sector agencies. At the intersection of housing, homelessness, community development, and public health, Fatima utilizes her unique perspective and experiences to contribute meaningfully to societal progress.


Farid Rasuli


Élane Jones